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What is Matsogi-do?

Matsogi-do is one of the most systematic and scientific Indian modern martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind. Today, it has become a global sport that has gained an international reputation.

Let’s take a closer look at the meaning of the word “Matsogi-Do”It is composed of two parts as shown in the English spelling, though it is one word in Korean. “Matsogi” means “fight” “and “Do” means the “way” or “discipline.” If we put these two parts together, we can see two important concepts behind “Matsogi-Do”.

First, MATSOGI-DO is the right way of using Matsogi ‘hand and foot,’ or all the parts of the body that are represented by hand and foot. Second, it is a way to control or calm down fights and keep the peace. This concept comes from the meaning of Matsogi to put hand under control’ [or ‘to step on punch’]. Thus MATSOGI-DO means “the right way of using all parts of the body to stop fights and help to build a better and more peaceful world.”

Matsogi-do today is similar to the martial arts in other Oriental countries and shares some features with them, because in the course of its evolution it has gained many different styles that existed in the martial arts of the countries surrounding India, like Korea, Japan and China.

But Matsogi-do is very different from many such oriental martial arts. First, physically it is very dynamic with active movements that include a mirage of foot skills. Second, the principle physical movements are in simpatico with that of the mind and life as a whole. Third, it possesses dynamic poses from another perspective.

Matsogi-do can be characterized by unity: the unity of body, mind, and life, and the unity of the pose [“pattern”] and confrontation, and cracking down. When you practice Matsogi-do, you should make your mind peaceful and synchronize your mind with your movements, and extend this harmony to your life and society. This is how in Matsogi-do the principle of physical movements, the principle of mind training, and the principle of life become one and the same. On the other hand, the right pattern lead to the right confrontation, which will eventually produce great destructive power.

How come we reach such a unity in Matsogi-do? Matsogi-do is a way of life, much like having a job, raising a family, fighting for a cause, or any one of numerous raison d’etre. What makes Matsogi-do different from these is that it is an activity for survival in extremely antagonistic situations. One must always overcome the enemy that is trying to cause harm. But simply winning a fight is not enough to guarantee one’s safety, because the enemy may recuperate and attack again. Moreover, there may be many other enemies than the one that was just defeated. One cannot ever feel safe unless one gains permanent peace. To attain this permanent or lasting peace, one needs unity. This is what Matsogi-do aim for. Otherwise Matsogi-do would be no different from any other street-fighting skills.

Matsogi-do pursues harmonious growth and improvements of life through its unique activities. This is why one could say Matsogi-do is a way of life. To ultimately enable ourselves to lead more valuable lives, we would do well by finding the guiding principles deeply hidden in Matsogi-do.

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